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Well what a Summer or should we say - where were you Summer? It seems like we've hardly seen any sunshine this year and it's done nothing but rain since last October! That hasn't stopped us enjoying ourselves though and now the cooler weather is starting there'll be plenty to keep us occupied I'm sure.
Day |
Time |
Event |
Every Monday |
10.30 am |
Ladies Coffee Morning: Come along and get together and chat over a coffee - or two! - 1 euro cover charge. |
First Wednesday of the month |
10.00 am |
Play Reading - get together and have fun reading classic and modern plays - without any of the ham dramatics! |
Tuesday 5 Nov |
8 pm |
QUIZ! Come along and test your brain cells in teams of 4 or 5 – 2 euro per person |
Friday 15 Nov |
8 pm |
RACE NIGHT! Fancy a night at the dogs or the horse racing. Then join us for a night of fun, make sure your voice is ok for all that shouting and don't forget your money! |
Tuesday 29 Nov |
8 pm |
BINGO! Do you feel lucky? - €1 euro per ticket. Snowball last game. |
Here's some photos from past events
Halloween 2023
Open the Box Winners
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